Thursday, April 3, 2014

Rough Cut project 1


  1. This looks pretty good. A couple shots look a bit underexposed. Can you please post the original scene?

    Ryan looks like he takes math very seriously.

  2. there is the original

  3. It looked good and the camera was pretty steady given the motion as they walked along, i think your location worked well too. I only noticed though that when the guy goes after him at 2:05 in original scene - 00:54 in yours took the wrong angle. I assume it worked better and you did it on purpose but thought I would point it out.

  4. I'm very glad with how this came out. I also understand where you're coming from Bobby, but given our chosen location we basically decided to run with it and just recreate it as best we could with the opposite angle. And we managed to keep the camera steady by having the camera operator in the wheelchair and wheeling him/her however we needed to. It was very practical, and apparently effective. I'd easily recommend it to anyone having to do a similar shot in a future project.

    Also - Math.

    It's serious business.
