Wednesday, March 26, 2014

(My) God's Not Dead

I had the pleasure of watching, God's Not Dead, this past opening weekend and it wasn't at all that I had expected. I was surrounded by a very large group (about 100) members from a church, which made the viewing of this movie a bit.. off, a lot of "Amen! Halleluiahs!" along with dancing and singing. Overall the message of the movie was inspiring and very fitting, since we are all in college ourselves, and we are constantly surround by folks who either believe or don't.We have to remember what the target audience of this movie was and is, Christians.  The movie itself had content and rebuttals from BOTH sides of the spectrum, so don't bash it before you watch it. But, I understand and can see how it might not be someone's cup of tea.
The actual Cinematography was lackluster, now I understand they didn't have a huge budget and if it were a made for TV movie, it would've passed off fine, but it was a "blockbuster" so it didn't quite make the cut of what I, or certianly other film critics (or majors!) might think belongs. The acting was lacking in some parts, very predictable no performance was so heart wrenching and Oscar worthy. The filming wasn't great, many scenes were forced close ups, and by this I mean the scene seemed that a wide shot or medium shot would've made it more comfortable for a viewer but instead, a shot that was cut in, way too close was chosen and gave off a bit of uncomfortableness and because it was so close the picture became grainy. Among various scenes having the grainy affect, It also sounded like they had to ADR after some scenes as well, which made the audio sound like it didn't quite fit in or match/transition smoothly throughout the movie.
The best scene throughout the whole film was, when Ayisha, ***SPOILER*** gets thrown out of her house for being a Christian. It was a really great scene, cinematicaly, they were able to capture the raw emotion from both Ayisha and her father, without saying any words. and the camera followed each character seemingly as if you were watching it happen right before your eyes.

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