Monday, March 24, 2014


Over the years of watching many, many, many movies I have obviously have a list (in my head) of the kinds of movies that I enjoy watching. However, what seems to be a classic favorites are animation movies.

Animation movies are not only for kids to enjoy, they are for everyone to enjoy. In most animation films, there is a deeper story that older kids an even adults can understand or relate to. For example, the academy award winning movie Frozen has a message that "true love" can also be between sisters. another example is The Croods, which has a strong message about family and sticking together and supporting one another. I could talk about the underling messages in any animated film, but that would take to long.

Animation also has a great enjoyment aspect for older kids and adults. Some animated films throw in some funny innuendoes that younger kids won't understand but their parents will and will crack up over. Its fun to re watch some disney classics and pay closer attention and listen for some of those jokes, it makes you appreciate that Disney and the animation industry really make movies to entertain every type of member of their audience!


  1. I have always been torn on the writing in animated movies. Generally I am not entertained by cartoons, and I have always been slightly offended by jokes that are for parents. I find that if a cartoon can make my children and I laugh at the same joke, then it is entertaining. I loved Reck-it-Ralph.

  2. I have always been, and always will be a Disney fan. Hell any kind of good animation will make me happy. They entertain just about every type of person and there is endless possibilities. I completely agree with you that it can entertain both kids, and have its hidden messages for adults too. People don't appreciate the amount of work that goes into creating just 30 seconds of an animation, and I don't think they ever will until they start to become a production major, and even then it is hard to fully comprehend unless that person has specifically made an animation from scratch themselves

  3. I definitely concur with your opinions and observations - especially in regard to viewing old classics we've all seen as kids, but merely watched for the story and characters with no concept of understanding for any of the items thrown in for the older crowd. For Theology of the Film we viewed Beauty and the Beast, and even though the story in itself is a joy, all of the portions of dialogue you never really caught as a child had me laughing. Especially Gaston. Though I have yet to re-watch any CG classics like Toy Story, or Finding Nemo, I can only imagine what material I may have missed.
