Sunday, March 30, 2014

Clerks re-creation

Hi guys this is the original scene from clerks

Here is the re-creation


  1. Dan - you still have those weird jump cuts. Pay close attention at the 30 second and 35 second marks.

    Otherwise, nice job!

    I would like to point out to the class that in the majority of Jason's shots the light wire is visible screen right. We cropped this a bit in post, but I'd like everyone to pay close attention to your framing and try to spot these things before rolling.

  2. I got to 30 sec and stopped. I don't know if it is a jump cut . . . I think it is a small piece that we did not add the color change effect to; you might just need to merge the clips. It's a quick fix.
    I found some free sound effects on, but you probably need something stronger than an egg crack for the ending.
    I really love the footage, except for that girl who didn't know her lines.
