Friday, April 11, 2014

Simple Pictures are Best

As the title says, simple pictures are best.  I have been noticing a lot recently that a huge difficulty with filming consistently and effectively is continuity.  If something is different in one scene than it has been in the other scenes, it can take your audiences attention away from what you are trying to show them.  There have been multiple occasions when I am happily watching a movie, on the edge of my seat waiting to see what happens next in the plot, when all of a sudden there is a discontinuity in something that was so simple to fix.  My focus gets completely lost, and all I can focus on is how that one thing is now different than it was two cut scenes ago.  It really gets annoying when I notice it, and I tell my friends about it, but I can't rewind and go back to show them.  It's not something that I purposely look for, but something that unconsciously happens (thank you Alex).

This seems like it would be an easy thing to fix to the untrained eye, but once you get behind the camera, you realize that sometimes it is something so small that nobody on set realizes.  Discontinuity is a very complicated thing to keep constant, especially when you have something like a candle in the shot, or something that you are constantly picking up and putting back down for multiple takes.


  1. Chris, you more than anyone know how crazy I get because of continuity-And you make a good point! I feel like some of our classmates have chosen scenes or written stories in the past where continuity EASILY becomes an issue. And you're right, it really takes attention away from the actual movie when it happens, especially if you've been brainwashed to pick a movie apart piece by piece, even if you don't want to (Again, thank you Alex). The best way to avoid all this is to draw diagrams, take pictures, and take a step back every once in a while to check your frame, surrounds, e.t.c.


  2. I agree with both of you. Ever since Alex had the editing class watch "The Cutting Edge" I cant seem to get really into movies. The other day my friends and I went to see Captain America and there was a really nice L-Cut and i turned to my production friend and said "Look at that L-cut" we both shared a giggle and moved on. Its something we have to live with now.
